Business Plan
For many years I've been trying to have a good idea, this may be it.Ok, so you want to have a successful Part 15 business of some kind. Try this:Order and build an AMT5000 from, the most...
View ArticleRealistic Plug n Talk Wireless Intercoms #43-212
I was wondering if anyone has or had these intercoms and could you tell me if they were true FM or actually just great sounding AM? Would be an easy hack to add audio to one of these for an in-house...
View ArticleProcaster Shown With Long Ground Lead
I DO NOT want nor intend to start the ground lead discussion (again)However, I KNEW I had this laying around someplace.Back when I was first shopping for a trasmitter and carefully scrutinizing all the...
View ArticleRealistic Maximum Range for Part 15 AM Systems
I have been involved in a discussion on the Part 15 AM & FM Facebook group which was comparing the Rangemaster to the ProCaster. During this discussion, several individuals were claiming what...
View ArticleMore Questions About the Maximum Useable Range for Part 15 AM
Again, I know this has been covered before, but I can't find it.What is the typical noise floor in terms of uv/m for both urban and rural environments?I know that it takes a certain field strength n*x...
View ArticleNo stereo seperation on BH 1417F transmitter
Greetings my friends of electromagnatic and electrostatic radiation!I purchase a lot of BH 1417 and 1415 chip based transmitters for personal learning experiences in hopes that I may someday, through...
View ArticleRange Testing With Radios
Just thought I'd toss this out there.I recently went to take a field strength reading at my 7100 foot test spot (a parking lot off the side of the highway).I had also brought along some radios to test...
View ArticleBVE(broadcast vision entertainment) transmitter
Recently purchased this one and is actually an updated version of the fact Waio and Broadcast Vision are the same company. Larger than it looks in pictures and plastic case yes but very...
View ArticlePoor Man's Audoio Processing to make AM listenable
As you may or may not know after my Wife had survived cancer and had a few other severe medical issues I lost all my nice electronics equipment. Back in the day I could have bought a FIM 71 field...
View ArticleGood Part15 FM transmitter
Ok so I am looking for a good range FM transmitter that is legal. The goal is for car radios to pick it up. I now have a Talking House AM but at night or in bad wether conditions it does not go far at...
View ArticleZL1RS (Bob) receiving U.S. QRSS beacons in New Zealand on 13.55 Mhz
Bob (ZL1RS) has just set up a pair of phased beverages on his farm near Aukland and has been monitoring QRSS signals on 13.55 Mhz. from the U.S. for the past day or so. He has already resolved 4 or 5...
View ArticleTransmitter on a my sailboat ideas..
Been planning on buying a sailboat for some time and finally have.. now time to determine how to go about installing the Rangemaster on it..My initial thoughts is to mount it in the cockpit in the back...
View ArticleProcaster
Just put a Chez Procaster on the air to replace a 3 year old iA.M. Talking House with UTC. HUGE improvement. Excellent signal for about a mile--fringe at 1.5 and barely noticeable at 2.75 miles.Even...
View ArticleAttempted Neutral loaded C-C on AM
i gave this a try. i could not pound an 8ft (live in apt's) rod in the ground but was able to get about a 2ft rod in ground. signal did not travel more than 25ft from building and did not jump to other...
View ArticleWitness Testimony
This possibly true story is being shared by our companion website at The ALPB:WITNESS SPIGOTForums: Transmitter Talk
View ArticleFlying Drones are Part 15 Devices
What are the uses of remote controlled flying drones for part 15 radio stations?DRONES SIMULCAST FROM THE ALPB SPIGOTForums: Transmitter Talk
View ArticleWhole House FM Transmitter 3.0 Safe?
Ok so I am wondering is it safe to use this for a radio station. I have read online that this transmitter has a much more stronger feild of strength than the part 15 requirements. I also saw somewhere...
View ArticleTalking House on FM?????
So today I was just messing around in my RTL SDR trying to see what I can find out there and when I began to go into the 70's MHz area I began to hear music like .2 or .3 mhz apart. I then relised my...
View ArticleCCrane Transmitter questions
Ok so today my C Crane transmitter came in and I am a bit confused. The transmitter ofcorse had troubles without the mod and I did the mod and it worked great :D. However if I power off the unit and...
View ArticleLowFer TX Design idea's
how about a PLL or DDS (tuneable in selectable 1hz/1khz/5khz steps) 1 watt (Class E? / 50 ohm output) lowfer tx (or Tranceiver) that does CW/AM/SSB? it would be neat to have for CW or Voice Comms on...
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