I DO NOT want nor intend to start the ground lead discussion (again)
However, I KNEW I had this laying around someplace.
Back when I was first shopping for a trasmitter and carefully scrutinizing all the websites of various makers, I saved and printed most of the info I found for later extensive analasys.
At the time, not knowing diddly about the long ground lead issue. Procaster had this as their opening page on their website:
Clearly showing what is an illegal in the USA ground lead. Now, I know things are different in Canada and it's probably fine up there. But as a Part 15 newbie back then I would have installed my transmitter exactly like this (it's also covered in the installation manual). I would imagine that thousands of innocent newbies who just searched, found, bought, installed, without researching and reading a bunch of forums would have never suspected possible trouble.
In face my installation looks exactly like the one pictured, except my transmitter is outside mounted to a wooden outside attic window frame, and I don't have any ground lead at all.
I see they've changed their website since then, nearly 2 1/5 years ago.