Long wave part 15 transmitter
Does anyone know where I can find a part 15 long wave transmitte? North country Radio had one but it was discontinue.Forums: Transmitter Talk
View ArticleCardioTheater FM transmitters on Ebay
These are the predessesors of the current Broadcastvision AXS-FMT(that I have) and are excellent quality certified for part 15 and Canada RSS-210. There's several available(new other) and at less than...
View ArticleSean Cuthbert C-QUAM
AttachmentSizeFront of the C-QUAM140.53 KBBack of the C-QUAM166.86 KBC-QUAM Board263.35 KBSo - I bought this sean cuthbert c-quam transmitter.. and I want to do a gound mounted outdoor setup. I am...
View ArticleCanadian "part 15" station
This seems to be near where Artisan used to be and does pretty good with a part 15 transmitter.http://www.radioxy.com/89fm.html Forums: Transmitter Talk
View ArticleWat Are Your Plans for Station Growth?
The low power radio community as reflected on these forums tends to consist of single stations with music formats. Growth is usually talked about in terms of obtaining a better transmitter, improved...
View ArticleThe Fading of the Low Power Transmitter Age
The apparent end of the AMT5000/3000 transmitters from SSTran has injured my hope for the future of this hobby.Prior to that we lost the best FM kits when Ramsey closed their kit division, and another...
View ArticleAny recommended brands of "inexpensive" Part 15 compliant portable FM...
Hello all,I apologize if this has been covered in depth before; I have searched the site.I am new to the site and have been searching this forum, googling the net, surfing eBay, Amazon, etc and have...
View ArticleWhere Has All the Power Gone?
On a scaled map of my little neighborhood I drew a circle around my transmitter extending 200-feet in all directions.The majority of the field consisted of emptry space.On one edge of the circle was...
View ArticleTalking houses
saw some on ebay using keywords "am transmiter" in case anyone is interested.nice cheap way into a plug and play certified transmitterForums: Transmitter Talk
View ArticleLPB Carrier Current AM
there is one on ebay right now. it's currently on 640khz meaning it's a low band model, 525 to 900 khz 20 watt keyword "AM Trasnmitter"Forums: Transmitter Talk
View ArticleWe Need Backup Transmitters
Are we aware that professional radio stations have backup transmitters?They are prepared for the event that the main transmitter may break down, and the spare tranmsmitter lets them get back on the air...
View ArticleQuick Review of Decade CM-10 (and the Chinese transmitter it is based on)
I recently purchased a Decade CM-10 (now discontinued) from a Canadian reseller on e-bay - it was supposedly a demo model.I had issues right from the get go on the audio and range. Audio was very low,...
View ArticleProcaster: Warbling sound when other stations appear on the frequency
In recent weeks, I have been repairing and rebuilding the transmitting array of a fellow Part 15 AM broadcaster in Worcester, MA. Currently, there are three Part 15 AM transmitters in operation in this...
View ArticleHomebrew AM Stereo Transmitter
http://electronbunker.ca/eb/AM_StereoXMTR.html Forums: Transmitter Talk
View ArticleHad an idea for FM...don't know yet if it's good or terrible.
Those little things you often see at Walmart or Target or whatever other places that use a car's cigarette lighter plug to power them, and use a USB or 1/8 aux cord to send audio from a phone, tablet,...
View ArticleWeird Transmitter Find Of The Year
My friend - - the broadcast engineer -- dropped off a discardedmetal box onto my front porch yesterday.Built like a tank - - thick as a brick - - this transmitter looked similar toa Talking House unit....
View ArticleTube PLL Circuit
What Would It Take to Build a Tube PLL Circuit?Wanting to follow in Neil's footsteps, I have a dream of building a medium wave transmitter using 100% tube technology. Step 1 is to design a stable...
View ArticleLow Jolt Radio
The writing style of this article caught our attention.Part 15 transmitters are called this because they are taxonomized within Part 15 of the FCC’s rules. They deploy or are activated by very little...
View ArticleInformation Station Specialists - Talking House ATU
A few days ago I contacted Bill Baker at ISS about any new Part 15 products. He said that they were coming out with a better designed Antenna Tuning Unit. If anyone here wants to be added to an email...
View ArticleAccurate Measurments Are Difficult
It's not just us, with our difficulty measuring field strength.As it happens, accurate measurements are difficult for all scientists and technicians.But things keep getting better.By the way, KDX was...
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