The FM dial here in the St. Louis area keeps getting more plugged up by more translaters, boosters, several LPFMs will be starting, and outlying high power stations keep moving closer in.
I had a sweet spot at 107.1 but a 250 watter popped on at 107.3, right up against 100 kW 107.7 and their iBah buzz-saws.
Well, I notice that on FM you can't hear the iBah the same as AM, but I can see it on the spectrum analyzer, and it looks like two christmas tree fires on either side of a main carrier.
So I moved to 101.9, another great spot, until a local translater at 101.5 moved to 101.9 and did me out.
I'm very close to all the FM towers.
One frequency I tried for awhile but rejected actually just got a booster, 103.7. It hasn't shown up yet on radio-locater, but I can hear it on the dial.
I was here when FM amounted to three stations, none of them were 24-hours.
I did the first all night FM program in the city as "The Night Hawk."
Some time afterword George Nory used the name "Nighthawk" on a show he did on local AM, but I no longer maintained a claim to the name so no big deal, except that I bet he got the name by hearing me use it in earlier times. Again, no big deal; small potatoes; nothing ventured nothing gained; if you throw dirt you will lose ground; what goes up must come down; a penny saved is a penny earned; everyone gets 15-minutes of fame, but lucky me got 20-minutes.
I think FM is suffocating and will soon stop working.
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