I'm somewhat intriqued by the topic of "long ground leads" and I know it's been tossed about here like crazy. But from a legal FCC standpoint, what exacgtly defines a "ground lead".
Clearly, in an elevated installation a wire from the ground of the transmitter down to the Earth is generally considered a long ground lead, and apparently not recently accepted. So, lets say it's an elevated install in the center of a flat roof, and the roof is covered with a hundred radials coming from that ground lead. At what point do they become radials and stop being ground leads?
If you do a ground installation and have a hundred radials laying on top of the ground, all connecting at the center to the ground lug on the trasmitter, are they ground leads or ground radials? Are they only radials when buried and are ground leads when on top of the ground? How about elevated radials?
Can the concept of radials even be considered in an elevated installation?
Just tossing this out for comment, no need to get into big hissy fits about what's what. In the end I believe it's up to the interpretation of the inspector.
Tim in Bovey