Since installing our EDM FM Transmitter, exactly like the one Tim in Bovey reviewed, set at minimum RF output power with a 1/4-wavelength horizontal Decade GPL32 dipole antenna, we've intended to make field strength measurements around the campus and today was the day.
The time was 11:30 AM, a TECSUN PL-310 with dBu/SN readings was the test instrument, its antenna open to 4-sections for a length of 13" always aligned horizontally on the same plane as the transmission, held at about 5' from the ground.
These numbers form a map of our grounds, all outdoors, X marks the transmitter, the top of the list is NORTH.
00/00 01/02 01/03
--/-- 00/02 --/--
--/-- 18/19 07/07
36/34 25/28 20/22
27/26 --/-- --/--
35/31 --/-- 27/30
40/31 --X-- --/--
52/41 53/49 43/43
--/-- 48/41
--/-- 42/31
--/-- 23/24
--/-- 05/06
The clear reception area on this radio is less than 100'.
The same clear reception area is observed on the auto radio in the driveway.
Weak spotty reception is detected on the auto radio in every direction for no more than 600-feet.