The Outdoor Antenna Installation
I don't believe what I'm saying, but I still have plans to build a medium wave antenna 100-feet behind the Internet Building.
I have done some of the clearing work to open up the area, but my biggest stumbling block is getting the wires back there.
Plan A is to build a row of mini-telephone poles made from the bamboo stalks from the bamboo forest here on campus. To do it professionally there would need to be a ground rod at each pole, unless I don't know what I'm talking about.
In reality ground rods are probably only needed at the entrance to the building and back at the antenna..
The thought of sitting indoors and hearing the station from so far away is what I find appealing, so that gives some incentive.
Tomorrow I'll figure out how far apart the poles will be and determine how many.
To kill ground cover in the area I'll lay down a tarp and smother the vines.
It's sort of semi-wooded back there, I'd never go there after dark because of an unreasoning fear that escaped zoo animals could be lurking.