Decided to dig out an old work of art and see about getting it fired up and working again.This LPFM broadcast I had built back in 1995 that started off with a Panaxis FME500 and soon went and built the SG to go with it.Not long went ahead and built the 1525 amplifier and a custom made case to complete the system.This thing sat for over 20 years collecting dust.It really needs to be cleaned up and feel is the reason for the erratic behavior.First,the PLL would not lock so ordered new 2n4427 transistors and trimmer caps for the exciter.Ran a test with the amplifier disconnected and now thankfully the PLL locks on selected frequency.This was good news since fining a new PLL IC seemed impossible for this unit.However,managed to find one on Ebay (I think) so ordered one just for backup. it will work or not has yet to be tested.The original is a DS8907N,this one does not have the "N".The manuals for the Exciter/SG and amplifier are long gone sadly but managed to find the Exciter/SG manuals online.Now hoping to find the amplifier plans for the 1525 and hope maybe someone in this group has it? If not,found one for sale and could just buy it.This thing needs to be cleaned up but to me is a work of art.I am no electronics expert and must have been really motivated when I built this thing.It was quite an investment even for 1995 and letting it rot away seems wrong.I am still having issues with the PLL locking properly so after the trimmer cap replacements, new 2n4427`s and even re-made the 5 turn coil with tap.Also discovered that when it does lock,not getting a stereo signal.After looking over another SG photo online,quickly saw that the 4.864 mhz crystal was removed.It is beyond me why that was taken off so ordered a new one.I think it will function fine but still need the amplifier plans and get it cleaned up and working.Since the amplifier was only sold as "plans",made my own PCB back when radio shack sold etching kits.Those were the days !Thought to share this stuff after all these years in hopes someone else may be familiar with these particular boards.Jim