Channel: Part15.us - Transmitter Talk
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Main station running fine now i have a new problem with remote site install


so i have a late model procaster with it's interface box.


we tired to hook it up at my friedns apartment.


i mounted Tx on balcony. grounded the ground to the faceplate screw on AC outlet.


i hooked up everything up minus the barix and tested the signal and it got out beautifuly covering everywhere i thought it would cover with a unmodulated carrier.


so i procedded to hook up barix to tx via the procaster interface box and plug it into xfinity cable modem.


the resulting audio was very low and distorted and there was a motorboating sound overtop my stream audio from barix.


as soon as i dosconnect coax cable from modem or barix from modem there is a breif time where the audio is loud and clear till the barix buffer empties.


plug it back into cable modem and audio is distorted and motorboating again.


i bring it down here to my apartment and hook everything up the same way and i can't replicate the issue here and i have the same exact service and modem he has.


any idea's, i did try a audio ground loop isolator with no luck.


i'm thinking the cable and ac are at different ground potential IE: not bonded together at service entrance per NEC but either cable service is ungrounded or on a seperate ground from electrical service grund.


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