I just wanted to send up a flag saying
that this project (as named above) is
starting to happen.
It's a big fat coil which will load up a
Part 15 AM "3 meter" stick.
I have built several in the past. I built one
many years ago for a Ramsey AM-1 transmitter
which had been modified for crystal control.
With this coil and some radials and a 3 meter
stick, I was able to get the AM-1 to transmit
to around 1/2 mile or so.
I made another one for my SS-Tran AMT-3000
years later. The furthest that transmitter "went"
was 2 miles. The SS-Tran was modified, somewhat,
This coil is made out of junk, really. It is just
another experiment that is going on here.
It is not a polished project like some of the
great work I have seen here on the board
fairly recently.
It's just a test coil, using a variometer and
a movable ferrite rod, with lots of coil taps.
Anyway, I'll be reporting on this.
A parallel project is a magnetic receiving loop
for HF. These kinds of things are fun and don't
cost much.
Oh yeah, if you are not familiar with variometers -
Google is where you want to go. There is not much
to a variometer and it is fun.
Best Wishes,
Brooce, Part 15, Hartford, CT