In 2011 Barry Blue Bucket Radio started a discussion about part 15 longwave LW operation under FCC 15.217, 160 to 190 kHz, 1 Watt (input of final RF), antenna height 15-meters (50-feet).
This past week Barry posted news (the ALPB forums) of his current LW activities in Kentucky, which reminded me of our unfinished transmitter design and building project started in 2011 under the name Deep Voice.
We had already completed the 13.560 MHz shortwave transmitter designed by members of part15(dot)us under the name Big Talker.
At 3:30 this morning while disconnected due to storm I gathered the design information (Radio Handbook) for the low pass filter needed for the Final RF Stage, which has yet to be designed.
My thought is that we can use the buffer stage previously designed for the shortwave transmitter, probably by changing the inter-coupling capacitors...
The signal will be generated by a PLL (Phase-Locked-Loop) circuit which I have in kit form waiting to be assembled.
If you are curious about LONG WAVE this great Link From the Past will eat up your whole day: