I got a new iAM transmitter I'm trying to get to go at least 1/4 to 1 mile. I have a restriction where I can't put up an outside antenna by drilling holes in the house. The TX is in a wood house next to one of the outer walls and the room has two windows. I have the wire going up the side of the window with a slight L at the top as I could not get it to go 100% vertical. The transmitter goes out about 300 Ft and I start to hear noise on my boombox at 1630 Khz. I could not walk too far as there is a busy highway so I don't know if the signal would come back clearer if I had walked away from the power line above my head at the curb where I would have to cross the street to go further. Being legally Blind I really didn't want to cross it because it is on a busy highway. I thought maybe if the signal didn't start to fade at 300 Ft it would have got closer to 1/4 mile like I did with my FM transmitter. I'm trying to get to a few houses down the road to attract listeners when I do advertise. But 300 Ft won't get me many listeners. How did you guys get your AM transmitter to go further than 300 Ft from an inside antenna? The window is painted shut because its an old house 200 yrs old. I thought about wrapping the wire around a lamp cord to try and make it do sort of an inductance kind of carrier current. If only I could get the signal to follow the power line I'd be set with this TX. I also looked at the Golddar DXR 500 antenna which was supposed to be for receiving. Its less than 3 meters long and since its metal it may do better I don't know. It would sit on the desk and I could move it around a bit in the room to get better range. It has a clip at the end of a lead wire which could connect to where the wire would connect. Still wonder if that would work? Any good indoor antennas better than the wire?